Welcome Prof. Runhua Tan from Hebei University of Technology to be the TPC!
Welcome Prof. Runhua Tan from Hebei University of Technology to be the TPC!


檀润华 个人照片.png

Prof. Runhua Tan, Hebei University of Technology, China

Tan Runhua, Ph.D. (Zhejiang University), is a foreign academician of the Ukrainian National Academy of Engineering and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, a professor and Lifetime-Honorary-director of China’s National Technological Innovation Method and Tool Engineering Research Center. His research interests are mainly in C-TRIZ/TRIZ, product conceptual design, and innovation management approaches. He has published more than 500 articles both in journals and conferences, such as in Expert Systems With Applications, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Journal of Engineering Design, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Engineering Education, IEEE conferences. He has also published 13 books. In recent years one of his research interests is agile innovative design for manufacturing companies.

檀润华 教授,乌克兰国家工程院外籍院士,俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士,国家技术创新方法与实施工具工程技术研究中心创始人、终身名誉主任。兼任创新方法研究会副理事长、TRIZ研究会理事长。曾任河北工业大学副校长、十二届全国政协委员、河北省政府参事。