2024 International Conference on Industrial Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Technology (IRAMT 2024)
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Prof. Jinan Gu, Jiangsu University, China

Experience:Prof. Jinan Gu is currently the director of the Manufacturing Informatization Research Center of Jiangsu University, the leader of the intelligent manufacturing engineering major and the director of the Department of Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Jiangsu University, the vice president of Zhenjiang Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation Research Institute, the director of Zhenjiang Manufacturing Informatization Engineering Technology Research Center, member of the expert committee of Novotel Center for Mechanical Science and Technology Development; China Mechanical Engineering, Journal of System Simulation, CIMS, Journal of Graphics and other academic journals special reviewers; part-time professor of Jiangsu Institute of Technology. At present, he is committed to: (1) intelligent manufacturing technology and system; (2) Intelligent robot and machine vision; (3) Complex product modeling and innovative design theory; (4) Intelligent information processing and manufacturing resources intelligent integration theory ; research work and so on. He has presided over and undertaken more than 110 vertical and horizontal projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National 863 Project, the National Defense Basic Research Program, the Special Fund Project for the Transformation of Major Scientific and Technological Achievements in Jiangsu Province, the Key R & D Project of Jiangsu Province, the Plan Project of the Ministry of Information Industry, the 985 Major Discipline Construction Project of Tsinghua University, the Open Project of the State Key Laboratory of Robotics, the Open Project of the State Key Laboratory of CAD & CG of Zhejiang University, the Construction Project of Enterprise Academician Workstation in Jiangsu Province, the Construction Project of Science and Technology Public Service Platform in Jiangsu Province, the Construction Project of Engineering Technology Research Center in Jiangsu Province, the Major Project of Informatization Construction in Zhenjiang City, the Scientific and Technological Research Project in Zhenjiang City and so on.


Prof. Xiaodong Zhang, Xi' an Jiaotong University, China

Professor Xiaodong Zhang is a deputy director, Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems with school of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China. Professor Xiaodong Zhang has published more than 100 papers, include 30 papers indexed by SCI & about 50 papers indexed by EI, and won 20 Patents of invention & 10 Design Patents, and served as an Associate Editor of Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology & Editor of Intelligent Service Robotics. He won best paper award of the 2008 International Conference on Rehabilitation in China, best session paper award of CCCT 2010 in USA, best application paper award of IEEE URAI 2016 in China, outstanding paper award of IEEE URAI 2017 in Korea, finalist best paper award of IEEE CYBER 2019 in China, respectively. He served the IEEE NEMS 2015 as the local arrangement chair, the IEEE URAI 2016 & URAI 2017 as a program co-chair, and the IEEE CYBER 2020 as the General Chair. His recent research interests are Robotics and Intelligent System, Bio-mechatronics technology, EEG/EMG signal processing and its application on robotics, intelligent measurement and control technology, etc.


Prof. Runhua Tan, Hebei University of Technology, China

Tan Runhua, Ph.D. (Zhejiang University), is a foreign academician of the Ukrainian National Academy of Engineering and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, a professor and Lifetime-Honorary-director of China’s National Technological Innovation Method and Tool Engineering Research Center. His research interests are mainly in C-TRIZ/TRIZ, product conceptual design, and innovation management approaches. He has published more than 500 articles both in journals and conferences, such as in Expert Systems With Applications, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Journal of Engineering Design, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Engineering Education, IEEE conferences. He has also published 13 books. In recent years one of his research interests is agile innovative design for manufacturing companies.

Title: Study On Agile Innovative Design Model For Manufacturing Industry Under Framework of C-TRIZ

Abstract:Changes are normal states faced by manufactory industries in world today. In order to survive better agile methods should be selected and applied in manufacturing and design processes for the companies in this field. Most of the problems in manufacturing processes are solved but some difficult problems in design process are still existed. Such as the development of an agile innovative design process model for general application is a challenge in the industry. The present report shows such a model based on the many years study on C-TRIZ, the engineering-oriented TRIZ. The agile innovative design process model has several characteristics such as short implementation time, only changing a few subsytems in a product, low cost for change. The model is composed of three sub-processes which are agile inventive process, agile innovative design process and agile management process. The model is implemented by innovative engineers under C-TRIZ project in manufacturing companies. A few case studies for the application of the model are presented, for which the design activities are carried out by manufacturing companies.