Welcome Assoc. Prof. Anzhi Wang from Guizhou Normal University to be the TPC!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Anzhi Wang from Guizhou Normal University to be the TPC!


王安志 教授 个人照.png

Assoc. Prof. Anzhi Wang, Guizhou Normal University, China

Anzhi Wang received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Technology from the College of Computer Science, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, in 2017. From September 2021 to July 2022, he was a visiting scholar with the School of Informatics, Xiamen University, China. He is currently an associate professor with the School of Big Data and Computer Science, Guizhou Normal University, China. His current research interests mainly focus on the fields of computer vision, digital image processing and deep learning, more specifically, include salient object detection, camouflaged object detection, image dehazing, image super-resolution, and etc. He has led many national and provincial research projects, including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Natural Science Foundation of Guizhou Province. He has published over 40 papers in related international academic journals and conferences. He also serves as a member of CCF, CAAI, and CSIG, and serves as a reviewer for several international journals including IEEE-TIP, IEEE-TMM, Expert Systems With Applications, IEEE-SPL, EAAI, NCA, NPL, and for several various conferences includingIJCAI, ICME, ICASSP, PRCV, ACAIT, and etc.

王安志,2017 年毕业于四川大学计算机学院并取得计算机科学与技术专业博士学位,2021 年厦门大学信息学院国内访问学者,现为贵州师范大学大数据与计算机科学学院副教授、硕士研究生导师。长期从事计算机视觉、数字图像处理及深度学习等领域研究,目前聚焦于显著性目标检测、伪装目标检测、图像去雾以及图像超分辨等方向的研究。主持和参与了十余项国家自然科学基金项目、贵州省科技厅项目以及其它市/厅级项目,在国内外期刊和会议上发表论文 30 余篇。目前担任包括 TIP、TMM、ESA、IEEE-SPL、EAAI 等在内的多个国际知名学术期刊和包括 IJCAI、ICME、ICASSP、PRCV、ACAIT 等在内的多个重要学术会议的审稿专家。