Welcome Assoc. Prof. Zhongyang Li from Hainan Normal University to be the TPC!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Zhongyang Li from Hainan Normal University to be the TPC!


李重阳教授 个人照.png

Assoc. Prof. Zhongyang Li , Hainan Normal University, China

Li Zhongyang, Associate Professor, mainly engages in research on ultra-precision grinding and polishing technology, intelligent manufacturing technology, robot processing technology, etc. for typical difficult to process hard and brittle materials (including but not limited to semiconductor substrate materials, optoelectronic functional materials, etc.).
Specifically, it includes: 1. Material removal mechanism and tool preparation for sapphire chemical mechanical polishing processing; 2. Grinding and polishing process database and process intelligent decision-making; 3. Intelligent grinding and polishing processing of welded structural components by robots.
As the main researcher, he has participated in and completed 9 projects under the National Science and Technology Support Program, the National 863 Program, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Hunan Province Science and Technology Innovation Leading Program, and enterprise commissioned projects.
The relevant achievements have been published in authoritative domestic and foreign journals such as theChinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, China Mechanical Engineering, Surface Technology, Ceramics International, and International Journal of Production Research. One invention patent has been authorized and three software copyrights have been registered.

李重阳,副教授,主要从事典型难加工硬脆材料(包括但不限于半导体衬底材料、光电功能材料等)超精密磨抛加工技术、智能制造技术、机器人加工技术等研究工作。具体包括:1.蓝宝石化学机械抛光加工材料去除机理、工具制备;2.磨抛加工工艺数据库与工艺智能决策;3.焊缝结构件机器人智能磨抛加工等。作为主研人员参与完成了国家科技支撑计划课题、国家863计划课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金项目、湖南省科技创新引领计划项目及企业委托课题9项。相关成果已在《机械工程学报》、《中国机械工程》、《表面技术》、《Ceramics International》、《International Journal of Production Research》等国内外权威期刊上发表,授权发明专利 1 项,登记软件著作权 3 项。