Welcome Assoc. Prof. Jiangqin Ge from China Jiliang University to be the TPC!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Jiangqin Ge from China Jiliang University to be the TPC!



Assoc. Prof. Jiangqin Ge, China Jiliang University, China

Jiangqin Ge, associate professor, post doctor. Member of China Artificial Intelligence Society and Zhejiang Vibration Engineering Society. The main research directions are precision machining and measurement detection, intelligent manufacturing and quality control, and machine vision. Presided over or participated in National Natural Science Foundation of China, key projects of Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation and a number of enterprise projects. Relevant academic achievements have been published in well-known journals such as IJMS, PT, IJAMT, JZU-A (16 SCI papers in total). 10 national invention patents have been authorized. First prize winner of excellent paper of China Intelligent Manufacturing Academic Conference. Winner of the B. John Davies Prize.
