Welcome Prof. Li Guo from Hunan University to be the TPC!
Welcome Prof. Li Guo from Hunan University to be the TPC!



Prof. Li Guo, Hunan University, China

Prof. Li Guo graduated with a doctoral degree from Xi'an Jiaotong University. He have been a professor at Hunan University in China since 1994, and his teaching level is excellent. He worked as a visiting scholar and researcher at the University of Michigan in the United States and two University in the United Kingdom for 3 years. Hosted and completed more than 20 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and major national science and technology projects, as well as over 20 scientific and technological research projects funded by Hunan Province and the China Ministry of Education. Published over 150 high-level academic papers in domestic and international academic journals, with more than 70 papers indexed by EI/SCI. Authorized 8 invention patents. He is an academic backbone of Hunan University, a Chinese national science and technology evaluation expert, a Chinese graduate education quality monitoring expert, a Chinese Association for Science and Technology talent award evaluation expert, the vice chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Society of Changsha City, Hunan Province, China, and the academic leader of the National Engineering Technology Research Center for High Efficiency Grinding in Hunan University; Chief technical expert of Yuelu Mountain Industrial Innovation Center in Hunan Province, and science and technology expert from 16 provinces including the China Ministry of Education and Hunan Province.
