Welcome Prof. Dr. Xinggao Liu from Zhejiang University to be the TPC!
Welcome Prof. Dr. Xinggao Liu from Zhejiang University to be the TPC!


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Prof. Dr. Xinggao Liu,  Zhejiang University, China

Professor Xinggao Liu, Qiushi Distinguished Professor at Zhejiang University, Ph.D., Ph.D. advisor, and Deputy Director of the Institute of Control Equipment and Comprehensive Safety at the School of Control Science and Engineering, is a renowned expert in artificial intelligence, optimization control, and intelligent manufacturing. He has long been engaged in research on complex system modeling, optimization control, and artificial intelligence big data. Professor Liu has published five academic monographs and over 140 SCI papers, with several selected as Highly Cited Papers globally by ESI (Essential Science Indicators) and ESI Hot Papers. He holds over 200 authorized patents, many of which have been implemented by leading multinational companies, including industry leaders in the United States.
Professor Liu received his Ph.D. from Zhejiang University (Department of Control Science and Engineering) and completed his postdoctoral research at Tsinghua University (Department of Automation). He has also been a visiting scholar at Newcastle University in the UK (in artificial intelligence, ranked among the top three globally). Professor Liu is a member of several prestigious associations, including IEEE and IET, and was recruited as a talent by Zhejiang University.
He has led and completed over 30 national and international projects, including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Key R&D Program, the National 863 Program, the National Development and Reform Commission's Major Projects for the High-tech Industrialization of Industrial Automation, the Zhejiang Provincial Outstanding Youth Science Fund, and the International Cooperation Program of the Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province, as well as international cooperation projects with the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
Professor Liu serves as an invited reviewer for top international journals in the fields of control and artificial intelligence, an editorial board member of several academic journals, and a member of multiple international academic associations.
