Welcome Prof. Xiaodong Kang from Tianjin Medical University to be the TPC!
Welcome Prof. Xiaodong Kang from Tianjin Medical University to be the TPC!



Prof. Xiaodong Kang, Tianjin Medical University, China

Honors:(1) Kang Xiaodong. Design of a medical image information transmission algorithm based on discrete/wavelet transform, Tianjin Natural Science Award in 2003; (2) Kang Xiaodong, Li Changqing, et al. Research and application of medical information processing system based on IHE architecture, Gansu Province 2011, Science and Technology Progress Award.Books: (1) Kang Xiaodong. Chief editor, The textbook of the Tenth Five Year Plan of computer science and technology in colleges and universities: Data mining technology based on data warehouse. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2004.1; (2) Kang Xiaodong. Chief editor, the national planning textbook for the Eleventh Five Year Plan of general higher education: Medical image processing. Beijing: People's Health Publishing House. 2009.3; (3) Kang Xiaodong, Zhang Jianchun, Hu Chunhong. Chief editor, textbook of the 12th Five Year Plan for general higher education/textbook of national colleges and universities: Medical information system. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. 2011.2; (4) Kang Xiaodong. Chief editor, Image informatics. Beijing: People's Health Publishing House. 2009.1;(5) Kang Xiaodong. Chief editor, The integration of network multimedia technology and hospital information system. Beijing: People's military medical publishing house. 2002Publication:(1) 23 registered software copyrights; (2) 29 Representative papers since 2006.

康晓东教授,计算机科学与技术 工学博士。以第一完成人,获省部级科技奖励 2 次,取得/申请专利 4 项,注册/申请软件著作权 23 项。主编/副主编/独撰各级规划教材/著作 9 部。2006 年以来,以第一/通讯作者,被国内外高水平刊物接收论文 29 篇。先后在多个国家级学术机构担任常委/专家等职。